(sursă - foto: AP https://www.facebook.com/bucharest.usembassy/photos/a.10150193798375454.427052.423979315453/10157038963820454/?type=3&theater).
Un cântec despre drama deportării
de către sovietici a tătarilor din Crimeea,
în 1944, câștigă Eurovision.
Felicitări, Jamala!
Melodia, care atrage atenția
asupra represiunii actuale a tătarilor
din Crimeea ocupată de Rusia,
este dedicată străbunicii Jamalei,
aflată printre cei deportați.
Jamala - 1944 (Ukraine)
at the Grand Final of the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest.
When strangers are coming
They come to your house
They kill you all and say
We're not guilty, not guilty
Where is your mind? Humanity cries
You think you are gods but everyone dies
Don't swallow my soul
Our souls
I couldn't spend my youth there
Because you took away my peace
I couldn't spend my youth there
Because you took away my peace
We could build a future
Where people are free
To live and love
The happiest time, our time
Where is your heart? Humanity rise
You think you are gods but everyone dies
Don't swallow my soul
Our souls
I couldn't spend my youth there
Because you took away my peace
I couldn't spend my youth there
Because you took away my peace
I couldn't spend my youth there
Because you took away my peace
I couldn't spend my youth there
I couldn't have my homeland
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